Transform Your Anxiety into Your Superpower

Are You Feeling Stuck? You're not alone. Many women in their mid-20s find themselves in careers that drain their spirits, battling constant stress and low self-esteem. This cycle of unhappiness can seem endless, but it doesn't have to be your reality.


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The Problem

Your Story Doesn't End Here

You're unhappy in your job, overwhelmed by stress and depression, and your self-esteem is at an all-time low. These challenges are not just obstacles; they're signals calling you towards change.

If unaddressed, these feelings lead to a life unfulfilled. You risk missing out on your full potential, engaging in toxic behaviors in an attempt to fill that void, and remaining in a cycle of frustration and unhappiness.


Embark on a Journey of Transformation

Hi, I am Jacqueline - a dedicated coach with a uniquely effective approach to personal growth. Leveraging self-concept model, mindset shifts, and intuitively chosen tools, I've guided countless women towards a life of empowerment and fulfillment.

The Plan

  • Discover - Identify what you truly want and the changes needed to achieve it.

  • Transform - Apply self-concept techniques and mindset shifts to navigate life's challenges positively.

  • Empower - Equip yourself with effective tools for a lifelong journey of growth and happiness.

Imagine a life where stress and self-doubt no longer control your decisions. Where every morning brings excitement for what's possible. This is not just a dream; it's within your reach.

Your Transformation Begins Now

Join Others Like You

- Melanie Seematter

- Christian Stübi

- Rebekka Leopold

Take the First Step: Book Your Free Consultation

Your journey to a fulfilled life begins with a simple step – booking your free consultation. Together, we'll explore your aspirations, challenges, and the path to a life where you're not just surviving but thriving.

Don't let another day pass feeling stuck in a cycle of unhappiness. The cost of inaction is too high.

Your best life is waiting for you on the other side of change. Let's embark on this journey together.

Time To Rise Coaching


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